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Located in the heart of Northeast Colorado, AMA is a full-service auction company that conducts live auctions including used farm equipment and machinery auctions, real estate auctions, business liquidation auctions, estate auctions, consignment auctions, and more. We capture the honesty and excitement of live auctions to deliver premium results for buyers and sellers.

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Auction Lot 17906 MCR 29, Brush, CO, United States

Tuesday, May 23rd Selling: Haying, Harvest, Spraying, Planting, Tillage, Support & Feeding Equipment, 3pt Equipment, Skid Steer Attachments, Farm Miscellaneous & Attachments, Truck Parts, Tractor & Truck Tires, Fuel & Propane Tanks, Livestock Equipment, Hay, Lumber & Tin Plus Much More.



Wednesday Selling: Tractors, Wheel Loaders, Forklifts, Skid Steers, Backhoe, Trucks, Trailers, Vehicles, Campers & Boats, Truck & Pickup Beds, Irrigation & Chemigation Equipment, Sprinkler Tires & Parts, Product Tanks, Buildings, Shipping & Storage Containers, Plus Much More


Two-Day September 2023 Consignment Auction Wednesday, Sept. 27th – 9:00am

Auction Lot 17906 MCR 29, Brush, CO, United States

Delivery Deadline is Wednesday, September 20th, 2023
Wednesday Selling: Tractors, Wheel Loaders, Skid Steer, Telehandler & Forklift, Semi & Farm Trucks, Trailers, Campers, Boats, Vehicles, Motorhome, ATV’s, Shipping Containers, Buildings, Mobile Bathrooms, Irrigation Equipment, Fuel & Product Tanks, Commercial Shop Equipment, Pickup Beds & more.
(No Miscellaneous items accepted for this auction)
Live On-Site Bidding Plus Pre-Auction and Live On-Line Bidding, Phone and Absentee Bidding on all Items.

Three Day December Consignment Auction

Auction Lot 17906 MCR 29, Brush, CO, United States

Tuesday, December 10th, Wednesday, December 11th & Thursday, December 12th
Delivery Deadline for All Items is Wednesday, December 4th, 2024.

Tuesday, December 10th – 9:00am
Haying, Harvest, Support, Tillage, Planting, Application & Feeding Equipment, Mowers, 3pt & Small Equipment, Skid Steer Attachments, Farm Misc., Livestock Equip, Hay & Feed, Livestock Shelters, Fencing Material, Metal & Lumber and much more.

Wednesday, December 11th – 9:00am
Tractors, Skid Steer, Wheel Loader, Forklifts, Telehandlers, Scissor Lift, Trench Compactor, Excavators, Backhoe & More. Tractor Attachments & Tires Plus The Graff’s Turf Dissolution of Partnership

Thursday December 12th – 9:00am
Trucks, Trailers, Campers, Boats & Vehicles, Irrigation Equip, Storage Containers & Building, Truck Parts & Tires, Shop Benches, Commercial Shop Equipment, Fuel & Product Tanks, Truck Beds, ATV’s, & much more.

Live On-Site Bidding Plus Pre-Auction & Live On-Line Bidding, Phone & Absentee Bidding.
(no miscellaneous items accepted for this auction)

Real Estate Auction

Main Event Bar and Grill

Real Estate Auction - Friday, December 20th, 2024 – 10:00 am
Corner of Hwy 34 and South Cedar Street, Yuma, CO 80759
To be Sold at Public Auction with No Reserve
All bidders must be properly registered prior to the Auction and receive a Buyer’s Information Guide.
This property will be sold to the highest bidder with no reserve for cash, 15% non-refundable earnest money due auction day, balance of purchase price on or before January 21, 2025, date of closing.
This property was built in 1948 and the addition was added in 1992. New roof-top air conditioner in August 2024. New hot water heat pump in 2024. 4,000 ± square feet featuring a 25ft fully equipped wet bar with an adjacent 9x10 walk-in cooler. Furnished 80 ± person dining room, furnished 25 ± person private party or meeting space, game room with three coin-operated 8-ball pool tables with racks and cues and an air hockey table, several large TV’s throughout for game days, finished basement with dry bar for additional private space. Fully equipped double sided kitchen featuring two 48” flat top griddles, a 24” griddle, a 6-eye burner, a 36” char-broiler and fryer, all under a 10ft and two 4ft hoods, serviced in the last six months. A 6ft 3-door refrigerated prep table, 5ft and 6ft stainless worktables, stainless 3-bin sink with dishwasher and an additional stainless sink with drain board. 9x12 walk-in cooler with racking, plus more. Pots and pans, dish, service and glassware, plus more.

For more information contact Broker/Auctioneer Chuck Miller 970-842-5575

Peterson Equipment Auction

Monday, February 3rd, 2025 - 10:00am
19882 Hwy 392, Greeley, Colorado
1 mile East of Hwy. 85 on Hwy. 392
On Site Auction with Live and Pre-Auction Internet Bidding
Items with no internet bidding capabilities start at 10:00 am,
items with internet bidding capabilities sell at approximately 1:00 pm.

Owner – Leslie and Joan Peterson

Note- The Peterson family acquired the home place in 1896 and it is now a Colorado Centennial Farm. Les is the 3rd generation farming, he and Joan’s daughters are all married and pursuing other interests, so Les & Joan have leased out the farms and are going to enjoy some other activities while their health is good. This is a very nice well maintained and shedded line of equipment. A sale you will want to attend.

Items with Internet biddingItems with NO Internet Bidding

Schwalm Farm Equipment Auction

Friday, February 7, 2025 - 10:00am
28206 County Road 15, Windsor, CO 80550
3 miles East of I-25 on Hwy 34 to Weld County Road 15, North 1/8th mile to sale site.
On Site Auction with Live and Pre-Auction Internet Bidding
Items with no internet bidding capabilities start at 10:00 am,
items with internet bidding capabilities sell at approximately 12:30 pm.

Owners - Randy and Beth Schwalm

Note: Randy’s Parents Lloyd & Shirley Schwalm started farming the home place in 1961, Randy joined the operation full time in 1973 and they farmed together until 2000 when Lloyd & Shirley retired. After 63 years of family farming Randy & Beth have decided it is time to retire. The running units have all been shedded and all equipment has been well maintained. Loader available on auction day and the next day 10am – 2pm. Lunch available auction day.

Items with Internet biddingItems with NO Internet Bidding